A major player in world production, Italy is a hotbed for viticulture, which covers almost all of its territory. Its different regions are steeped in indigenous traditions that are framed by a two-level hierarchical system of appellations of origin, distinguishing between DOCs (Denominazione di Origine Contrallata) and DOCGs where the epithet G (Garantita) implies additional constraints . In this organization, there are renowned and extensive vineyards, such as those of Chianti, as well as confined areas, attached to strong particularisms. Wines that are more common or have a lesser identity find their place in IGT designations (Indicazione Geografica Tipica) that qualify products from a wide range of zones, delimited to scale of an entire region. The regulation of IGT is more flexible and allows to integrate non-standard wines, such as the famous "Super Tuscan" with their massive use of imported grape varieties.